Welcome To Gon Theme
Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme


Thank you for purchasing our theme. In this document, we provide all kinds of good information with all the details you need to use our theme. We hope you have fun and enjoy working with our theme. If you need more help, please feel free to open a ticket on our support center.

Before Getting Started

If you are not familiar with WordPress, please get accustomed with it before proceeding to using our theme. Here are some links that will help you to become more confident with WordPress:

Requirements & Compatibility


To run WordPress your host just needs a couple of things:


Our theme is compatible with these browsers:


WordPress Core

You download and install WordPress version 5.0 or later

Theme Package

To download, you need to log into your ThemeForest account and go to your http://themeforest.net/downloads page. Locate the theme that you purchased in your Downloads list and click on the Download button

WordPress Installation

Follow the steps below to install via WordPress:

  1. In your WordPress Admin Panel, go to Appearance > Themes
  2. Click on the Add New and Upload Theme buttons
  3. Click on the Choose File button and navigate to find the gon.zip file on your computer and click on the Install Now button
  4. Wait while the theme is uploaded and installed
  5. Activate the newly installed theme
  6. Then you will get a notification about installing the required plugins. Follow the steps to install and activate the plugins
WordPress Installation
Please note that some hostings have a restriction on a size of a file that you are uploading. If you have any warning, you will contact your hosting provider. They should increase your maximum upload size.

FTP Installation

Follow the steps below to install via FTP:

  1. Log into your hosting space via a FTP software
  2. Unzip the gon.zip file and ONLY use the extracted gon folder
  3. Upload the extracted gon folder into wp-content > themes folder
  4. Go to Appearance > Themes and activate Gon theme
  5. Then you will get a notification about installing the required plugins. Follow the steps to install and activate the plugins
FTP Installation

Required Plugins

After activating the theme, you will get a notification about installing the required plugins. You go to Appearance > Install Plugins to install them.

Install Required Plugins
Please note that you do not purchase directly WPBakery Page Builder and Revolution Slider plugins. So you can not update them by yourself. It is also not recommended. When they have a new version, we will be careful to test and release the new theme's version.
We also notice that you should not update other plugins without updating the theme. Please see our changelog to make sure that the current theme version is compatible with the new plugin version.

Demo Content

Our theme includes the demo data to the One Click Demo Import plugin. In admin panel, you go to Appearance > Gon Importer (You have to install and activate the ThemeSky plugin to see this menu item). Then you click on the Import Demo Data button and the Continue & Import button without selecting any recommended plugin from One Click Demo Import. It will take a few minutes to complete.

Import Demo Content
Please note that:

- All demo images are replaced by the placeholder images because of themeforest's policy.

- If you have any problem with import, please read the following article and check your hosting configuration https://ocdi.com/import-issues/

- If you want to install exactly the same as our demo (include the demo images), you can download and install the full demo package here https://downloads.theme-sky.com/.

Updating The Theme

Manual Update

Follow the steps below to manually update the theme:

  1. First, you download the new theme package from themeforest. You have to log into your themeforest account and navigate to Downloads tab. You find the Gon theme in your purchased themes list.
  2. You can delete the current theme. Don't worry about this. Your data won't be lost.
  3. You upload the new theme package via WordPress or FTP software.
Please ensure that you only upload the installable wordpress file. If not, you may get an error message: The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.

Automatic Update

You update the theme through the Envato Market plugin. Follow the steps below to set up this plugin:

  1. Download and install the Envato Market plugin
  2. You go to here https://build.envato.com/create-token/ and create a token. Get it.
  3. In WordPress admin panel, you find the section called Envato Market. You enter your token code in there.

Please read this tutorial https://skygroup.ticksy.com/article/15704 to get more information.

Please note that:
  • If you translated the theme to another language, you should backup your translation files in the themes > gon > languages folder before updating. You should also backup the translation files in the plugin folder.
  • After updating the theme, you should update the recommended plugins if there is a notification message about updating plugins. You go to Appearance > Install Plugins to update plugins. If you can not update the recommended plugins in wp admin, you should manually update them. You can find the plugin packages in the theme folder > framework > plugins folder.
  • You can not update the WPBakery Page Builder and Revolution Slider plugins in Appearance > Install Plugins. To update 2 these plugins, you need to delete them first. Then, you go to Appearance > Install Plugins and install them again.

Theme Options

After activating our theme, you can go to Appearance > Theme Options to configure the theme. Below will explain what you can do with Theme Options.

  • General: Add your logo and some global options
  • Color Scheme: manage your site color
  • Typography: you can change font and font size in there
  • Header: set up the Header Layout, breadcrumb and other options for header
  • Menu: some options for menu
  • Blog: configure the Blog Layout and some options to Show/Hide some things on the blog page
  • Portfolio Details: some options to Show/Hide some things on the portfolio page
  • WooCommerce: some global WooCommerce options, such as Product label, Quickshop, Ajax search
  • Product Category: you configure your Shop page in there
  • Product Details: you configure your Product page in there
  • Custom CSS/JS: allow you to add custom css/js
  • Backup: backup or restore your theme options
Theme Options

Widgets & Sidebars

To manage widgets, you go to Appearance > Widgets. Just drag and drop widgets over to the sidebar.

Gon comes with 19 custom widgets and 8 sidebars. You can also easily add a new sidebar.

Adding A New Sidebar

To add a new sidebar:
  1. In the Widgets editor, you scroll down to the bottom
  2. On the right hand side, you will see a form
  3. You input your sidebar name and click on the Add Sidebar button
To remove your sidebar: just click on the trash icon on your sidebar.
Widget Area

Product Category Top Content

This widget area allows you to add the filter widgets into the Shop/Category page as the screenshot.

Product Category Filter

You go to Appearance > Widgets. You drag and drop the filter widgets into the Product Category Top Content widget area.

Product Category Filter
If you want to hide this section, you go to Theme Options > Product Category tab. You find the Top Content Widget Area option and turn it off.

Adding The Logo & Favicon

Follow the steps below to set up the logo & favicon:

  1. Navigate to Appearance > Theme Options. You select General tab
  2. Click on the Upload button and choose a file from your library
  3. You can also add the image link into the input field
Logo & Favicon

Setting Up Header

To set up your header, you go to Appearance > Theme Options > Header tab. In there, you can choose the Header Layout, configure your breadcrumb and other options.

Header Layout

Gon comes with 8 different header layouts. Just choose one of our header layouts for your site.

You can also choose the header layout for individual pages (See Page Options).

Header Layout


Gon comes with 3 different breadcrumb layouts. Just choose one of our breadcrumb layouts for your site.

You can also choose the breadcrumb layout for individual pages (See Page Options).

Header Breadcrumb

Other Options

  • Header Contact Information: Add your contact information in the top header
  • Header Currency: Show/Hide multi-currency switcher
  • Header Language: Show/Hide multi-language switcher
  • Shopping Cart: Show/Hide mini cart
  • Search Bar: Show/Hide the search bar
  • My Account: Show/Hide the login form/my account link
  • Wishlist: Show/Hide the wishlist page link
  • Sticky Header: Show/Hide the header when you scroll down
Header Other Options

Header Customization

If you want to customize the theme, you should create the child theme before making any changes. Please note that you have to install the required plugins before activating the child theme. Otherwise, you will get an error if you install the plugins in Appearance > Install Plugins page.

You can find the sample child theme package (gon-child.zip file) in your downloaded file (you have to download All files & documentation).

Follow the steps below to override header template:

  1. Copy the template file from the parent theme folder to the child theme folder
  2. Edit the template file in the child theme folder
Header Customization


Gon comes with WPBakery Page Builder plugin and powerful Page Options which help you build any kinds of pages. The following sections will explain how to create a new page and make it look like our demo. If you use our One Click Import Demo functionality, you can ignore this.

Create A New Page

Follow the steps below to create a new page:

  1. In admin panel, go to Pages and click on the Add New button
  2. Input the page title and page content
  3. On the Page Attributes section, choose the page template from dropdown list
  4. Scroll down and find the Page Options section, make some configurations for your page

Page Options

In the page editor, you will see the Page Options section at the bottom of editor. It will help you create many kinds of pages.

Page Options

Some options will override the options in Theme Options. Select Default if you want to use your global settings.

Home Pages

Setting up a home page

  1. In admin panel, you go to Settings > Reading.
  2. You choose the A static page(select below) option.
  3. Select a page from dropdown list of the Homepage option.
Reading Settings
Below is our demo home pages. To build a home page look like our demo, you copy the page content into the Text editor and make some configuration.

Default Store

Page Content:

Page Configurations:

  • Page Template: Default Template
  • Layout Style: Default ( Wide )
  • Page Layout: Fullwidth
  • Header Layout: Default ( Header Layout 1 )
  • Page Slider: Revolution Slider

Fullwidth Parallax

Page Content:

Page Configurations:

  • Page Template: Default Template
  • Layout Style: Default ( Wide )
  • Page Layout: Fullwidth
  • Header Layout: Header Layout 2
  • Page Slider: Revolution Slider


Page Content:

Page Configurations:

  • Page Template: Fullwidth Template
  • Layout Style: Default ( Wide )
  • Page Layout: Fullwidth
  • Header Layout: Header Layout 3
  • Page Slider: Revolution Slider

Classic Box

Page Content:

Page Configurations:

  • Page Template: Default Template
  • Layout Style: Boxed
  • Page Layout: Fullwidth
  • Header Layout: Header Layout 4
  • Page Slider: No Slider

Special Collection

Page Content:

Page Configurations:

  • Page Template: Fullwidth Template
  • Layout Style: Default ( Wide )
  • Page Layout: Fullwidth
  • Header Layout: Header Layout 5
  • Page Slider: Revolution Slider

Vertical Slider

Page Content:

Page Configurations:

  • Page Template: Fullwidth Template
  • Layout Style: Default ( Wide )
  • Page Layout: Fullwidth
  • Header Layout: Header Layout 5
  • Page Slider: No Slider


Page Content:

Page Configurations:

  • Page Template: Fullwidth Template
  • Layout Style: Default ( Wide )
  • Page Layout: Fullwidth
  • Header Layout: Header Layout 3
  • Page Slider: No Slider


Page Content:

Page Configurations:

  • Page Template: Default Template
  • Layout Style: Default ( Wide )
  • Page Layout: Fullwidth
  • Header Layout: Header Layout 6
  • Page Slider: No Slider

Supermarket 2

Page Content:

Page Configurations:

  • Page Template: Default Template
  • Layout Style: Default ( Wide )
  • Page Layout: Fullwidth
  • Header Layout: Default ( Header Layout 1 )
  • Page Slider: Revolution Slider

Supermarket 3

Page Content:

Page Configurations:

  • Page Template: Fullwidth Template
  • Left Right Padding: Yes
  • Header Layout: Header Layout 8
  • Page Slider: No Slider


Page Content:

Page Configurations:

  • Page Template: Fullwidth Template
  • Header Layout: Header Layout 7
  • Page Slider: No Slider

Contact Page

It is easy to make your contact page look like our demo. Simply copy the code below and paste into the page content (in the Text editor).

To use the TS Google Map shortcode, you have to input your API key in Appearance > Theme Options > General tab. To get the Google Map API key, you can read this article.


Gon supports 5 post formats: Standard, Audio, Gallery, Quote and Video. They will help you easily make a microblogging website.

Create A New Post

Follow the steps below to create a new post:

  1. Go to Posts
  2. Click on the Add New button
  3. Input the post title and post content
  4. Choose the post format and category on the right hand side
  5. Scroll down and find the Post Options section, make some configurations for your post

Post Options

In the post editor, you will see the Post Options section at the bottom of editor. It will help you create different layouts for different posts. Also, if you set the post format to Video or Audio, you will input your Video or Audio URL here.

Post Options

Blog Page

Follow the steps below to set up a Blog page:

  1. You create a new page
  2. Input the page title. You don't need to input the content
  3. On the Page Attributes section, set Tempate to Blog Template
  4. Save your page
Please note that:
  • If you use Blog Template, you will configure your blog layout in the Page Options section.
  • If your Front page displays the latest posts (setup in Settings > Reading), you will configure your blog layout in Theme Options > Blog tab.
  • You use TS Blogs shortcode to display your blogs in masonry layout.

WPBakery Page Builder

WPBakery Page Builder will help you manage your content at the WordPress sites and build any layout you can imagine in few minutes without coding. You can read WPBakery Page Builder Documentation to get more details.

Please note that you do not purchase directly WPBakery Page Builder plugin. So you can not update it by yourself. It is also not recommended. When it has a new version, we will be careful to test and release the new theme version. If you see the notification below, you can dismiss it.

WPBakery Page Builder Notification

How to add new element

To add new element, you click the BACKEND EDITOR button on the top left of WYSIWYG (text editor)

WPBakery Page Builder Button

WYSIWYG editor change to WPBakery Page Builder canvas. You can work with it as you do with regular WPBakery Page Builder. You can click on the Add element button to add new element

WPBakery Page Builder Canvas

Then, you choose an element from WPBakery Page Builder elements list

WPBakery Page Builder Elements List
All our shortcodes are in Theme-Sky tab. You should use our product shortcodes instead of WooCommerce shortcodes. Because there are many options to display your products.

Adding Parallax/Video Background

Follow the steps below to add a parallax/video background

  1. Add a new Row
  2. Then, you click to edit that row
  3. In the Row Settings panel, you select Background tab
  4. You set Background Type to Parallax, Youtube Video or Hosted Video
  5. Make some configuration below
Adding Parallax Background

Revolution Slider

Gon includes the popular Revolution Slider Created By ThemePunch. This slider is 100% responsive and has many amazing options. In the following sections, you will know how to add a new slider and how to show it in frontend. This is its own documentation. You can read to get more information.

Please note that you do not purchase directly Revolution Slider plugin. So you can not update it by yourself. It is also not recommended. When it has a new version, we will be careful to test and release the new theme version. If you see the notification below, you can dismiss it.

Revolution Slider Notification

Create A New Revolution Slider

Follow the steps below to create a new Revolution Slider:

  1. You go to the Slider Revolution page
  2. Click on the New Blank Module box
  3. Input the slider title and alias
  4. Make some configurations
Create A New Revolution Slider


Follow the steps below to add a new slide to your sliders:

  1. Hover on Slides > Add Slide(s) on the top bar
  2. Choose one of the listed options below
    • Blank Slide: add a new Slide without any predefined content
    • Bulk Slide: add more than one Slide at a time with predefined background images
    • Import from Modules: add a Slide from Modules
    • Import from Template: add a Slide from the Template Library
Add Slides To Revolution Slider

Using Revolution Slider

There are three ways to use Revolution Slider

Assign a slider from the Page Options section

  1. Create or edit a page
  2. Find the Page Options section below
  3. Set the Page Slider option to Revolution Slider
  4. Finally, you choose a slider from the Select Revolution Slider option
Assign A Revolution Slider From Page Options


Add slider from WPBakery Page Builder content element list

  1. In the page editor, you click on the Backend Editor button on the top left of WYSIWYG(text editor)
  2. Then, you click on the Add New Element button
  3. You find the Revolution Slider element. Choose it
Add A Revolution Slider From WPBakery Page Builder

Use the slider shortcode

  1. You go to the Slider Revolution page
  2. Click to edit a slider and find the shortcode in the Module Naming box
  3. Copy the shortcode and paste into your page content
Use Revolution Slider Shortcode


Gon theme is fully compatible with the latest version of WooCommerce plugin. We customized and added many features, shortcodes and widgets for this plugin. In the following sections, you will know how to install and set up WooCommerce plugin. You can also refer WooCommerce Documentation to get more information.

Install WooCommerce

There are 2 ways to install WooCommerce plugin

  1. After activating our theme, you go to Appearance > Install Plugins. You install WooCommerce plugin from the required plugins list.
  2. Install WooCommerce plugin from the Plugins page
Install WooCommerce
Install WooCommerce
You should install WooCommerce from the required plugins list. Because we tested that version and it is compatible with the current theme version. To make sure our theme is compatible with the new version of WooCommerce, you should see our changelog or contact us

Adding WooCommerce Pages

There are 2 ways to add WooCommerce pages

  1. After activating WooCommerce plugin, you will get a notification as the screenshot below. Simply click the Install WooCommerce Pages button to create all WooCommerce pages
  2. Use the WooCommerce shortcodes. You can get them here
Adding WooCommerce Pages

Setting Up WooCommerce

To set up WooCommerce, you go to WooCommerce > Settings in admin panel.

Currency Options

  1. In WooCommerce Settings page, you select the General tab
  2. You find Currency Options section and configure your currency

List of currencies that you can choose

Currency Options
You can also add a custom currency symbol. Please refer this document

Product Image Sizes

  1. You go to Appearance > Customize > WooCommerce > Product Images. You configure your product image size in there
  2. Our default demo is configured as the screenshot
Product Image Sizes

Page Settings

After you create WooCommerce pages. You will go to the Settings page to assign them.

  • To assign the Shop page, you select the Products tab
  • To assign the My Account, Cart and Checkout pages, you select the Advanced tab
Setting Pages
Please note that: if you install WooCommerce pages by clicking on the WooCommerce notification, WooCommerce will automatically assign for you

Registration Options

You also make sure that you allow your customers to register on your site. You select the Accounts & Privacy tab and find the Account creation section as the screenshot.

Registration Options

Adding Product

Follow the steps below to add a new product

  1. In admin panel, you go to Products and click the Add Product button
  2. Input the product title and product content
  3. Select Product Category, Product Tag
  4. Add Featured Image and Product Gallery
  5. In the Product Options section, you can override some options in Theme Options
  6. Next is the Product Data section. This is where the majority of the product data is input

Product Options

This section allows you to override some options in Theme Options. You can set layout for individual products. You can also override custom tab content

Product Options

Product Data

You should also read WooCommerce Documentation to get more details. We only have some notes that we think you need to know.

Product Data Product Data - Shipping Tab
  1. Adding a product on sale and a deal:
    • With the Simple Product, you select General tab. You add a Sale Price and click the Schedule button to set up date.
    • With the Variable Product, after setting up Product Attributes in the Attributes tab, you can go to the Variations tab and add New Variation. With each Variation Product, you also click the Schedule button next to the Sale Price field. Please note that product only displays the time of first Variation Product.
  2. Adding Additional Information: You go to the Shipping tab. You set value of Weight and Dimensions options. You can change the unit by going to WooCommerce > Settings > Products tab
  3. Enable/Disable Product Review: You go to the Advanced tab. You will see Enable reviews option. Just check/uncheck it.


Gon comes with several shortcodes which can be used to display your content. To use our shortcodes, you go to page editor and change to WPBakery Page Builder canvas. Click on the Add Element button to open WPBakery Page Builder elements list and change to Theme-Sky tab.

WPBakery Page Builder Elements List


Gon is ready to translate by using the po file. If you want to build a multilingual site, you need to use WPML plugin. Our theme does not include the WPML plugin. It only is compatible with the WPML plugin. You have to buy a license for this plugin.

Using Po File

There are 2 ways to create and edit the po file

  1. Use the Poedit software and refer this document
  2. Use the translation plugins, such as the Loco Translate plugin
Please note that:
  • You have to generate the mo file after translating
  • You already set your language. Go to Settings > General and check Site Language option

Using WPML

In this section, you will know how to build a multilingual website by using the WPML plugin. All the information needs to get started and use it is on the WPML.org page.

Below are some reference links:

Installing and Setting Up the WPML plugin

You need to install a recent version of WPML, including the String Translation, Translation Management and CMS Navigation modules. After installing these plugins, you set up Languages from WPML > Languages and translate your content.

Showing language switcher dropdown style on header

You go to WPML > Languages. You enable the Custom language switchers option. Then, you click the Customize button. A popup will appear. You change the Language switcher style option to Dropdown or Dropdown click.

Dropdown Style

Translating Pages and Posts

Go to All Pages and pick a page for translation. Click on the plus icon. If the page is already translated, the plus icon will be replaced with a pen icon.

Translating pages

WPML actually creates a new WordPress page, linked to the original one. In this new page, you can add new content as you normally do. You can also keep the original content, just translate into the new language.

Translating Categories

To translate a category, click on the language which you want to translate it and then add a new category. Make sure the new category is linked to an original category.

Translating categories

Translating Menus

You go to Appearance > Menus. Just add a new menu. You select the language and the original menu which links to the new menu.

Translating menus

WPML can synchronize menus for you. This means that WPML can generate and keep in sync menus for other languages pointing to the translated versions of the pages, posts or categories.

Translating the theme and other texts

You go to WPML > String Translation. Find the text in the list and translate it. Please make sure you check the Translation is complete checkbox after translating.

String Translation

Sometimes, some texts are not translated. First, you need to go to WPML > Theme and Plugins localization. You click on the Scan the theme for strings button. Then, you go back to the String Translation page and find those texts.